"Marker" means "marker,labeller, determinant, indicator". This word is also used in Turkish as "marker , işaretleme tebeşiri".
The word "Marking", which is the equivalent of the English word "Marking", comes to mean "marking, specifying, determining".
In industrial sense; is called "marking" for the purpose of placing permanently or temporarily marks (numbers, letters, figures, etc.) on the products with preference and product structure depending on the specific purposes (counting, storing, recording, locating and determining the situation etc.).
Labeling; solid or liquid painted, laser, embossed, glued, electro-chemistry, dot matrix, barcoded, RFID and so on. may is.
As Osay Marker ®, we have been active in solid and liquid painted branding.
Such products have received this name because of the fact that they contain paint and are solid as final product. In solid state, the final product leaves the mark with appropriate environment and appropriate materials. This marking may be permanent or temporary, depending on the nature of the product.
The products used in solid painted branding can be called "Marker" in English and more specifically "Marking Crayon". The Turkish counterpart of the "Crayon" word is "paint pencil, colored chalk, etc.". Therefore, the name "Marking Crayon" can be translated into Turkish as "Marking Chalk" or "Marking Mark".
4)What types of products are used for solid dyeing operations? Are three basic products used for this operation?
• They are simple typesetters known locally as "oil chalk" which is produced in limited quantity locally by conventional casting method. However, these products are not economical, quality and performance are low.
• Imported "board marker" printers, known as "felt pencils". These products are very harmful to health because of the ethyl acetate and xylene they contain.
• Pastel type industrial marking chalk.
As Osay Marker®, we manufacture and sell pastel type industrial marking chalk.
The terminologies used for these products are in the USA and Canada are also in English. Osay Marker ® under the brand name, a first in Turkey in the name of domestic production of these products that we "Type Industrial Marking chalk pastel to" put.
In fact, our products are not like pastel paints or chalk. Structurally, our products are products that are harder, more durable, stronger, less worn and more economical, resistant to all weather conditions, and more colorful and lively than pastel dyes. Like carbonate-based school chalk, it certainly does not leave any dust.
Before our products were sold to the market, products shared with you in the 4th solution were used for these needs. However, Pastel type industrial marking chalks between these products were completely imported from abroad. Our products that we produce in our country are found in our country market thanks to the high quality and price advantage of imported products in a short period of time and our interest in our products from other countries is increasing day by day.